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Vol 40 No 7

Published 2nd April 1999


Gouled's choice

Ismael Guelleh is set to win the elections – having an uncle for President helps

The ruling group reckons it is sure to win the presidential election on 9 April; the opposition keeps up its spirits by claiming the result is open. The probable winner, Ismael Omar Guelleh, is chief of the private office of the aged and ailing outgoing President, Hassan Gouled Aptidon. He is also the President's nephew, and officially 51, although widely thought to be 53. Since his uncle took office in 1977 he has been in charge of state security, and his nomination by the ruling Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP) on 4 February was a mere formality (AC Vol 40 No 4).

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