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Vol 65 No 13

Published 20th June 2024


A landslide victory foretold, again

Two of the strongest opposition candidates have been barred from running, handing incumbent Paul Kagame another Soviet-style win

Few Rwandans are expecting surprises when they head to the polls on 15 July to vote in the country’s general election. The three candidates cleared to run for President – the incumbent President Paul Kagame, the founder and leader of the Democratic Green Party Frank Habineza and independent Philippe Mpayimana – were candidates seven years ago. In 2017, the two opponents won less than 2% of the vote combined. In 2015, Kagame won 98% of votes in a constitutional referendum that, he claims, the people demanded. He is free to run for two more terms of office until 2034 and is unlikely to step down soon.

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