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Vol 62 No 14

Published 8th July 2021


Paris makes up with the junta

France resumes joint operations against jihadists as familiar civilian politicians line up to 'receive' power from the military – eventually

The governments of France and Mali's regional neighbours are getting used to the colonels on whose approval the Bamako transitional government depends. On 2 July, setting the official distaste for military coups aside, France announced the resumption of joint military operations with the Malian military. The Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas) and the African Union are also hanging back on sanctions often applied against putschists, as they put their faith in the programme of transition towards civilian rule. This is in spite of the lack of security for polls to take place, and the readiness of the colonels to intervene to impose their wills. The regional and international powers have accepted coup-leader Assimi Goïta's self-installation as president.

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