Vol 62 No 2 | KENYA The race for Nairobi 21st January 2021 The BBI alliance is manoeuvring its ally into the Nairobi governorship because it fears losing another by-election The political differences between Deputy President William Ruto and President Uhuru Kenyatta are playing themselves out in the tussle to fill the position of the governor of Nairobi.
Vol 62 No 1 | KENYA Handshake to face poll test 7th January 2021 The President’s coalition with his former adversary will be put to the electorate in 2021 against a backdrop of economic pain After a catastrophic decline in economic performance due to Covid-19 in 2020, aggravated by corruption and wrong-headed fiscal and public debt policies, 2021 promises to be particularly painful...
Vol 61 No 14 | KENYA A big tent for Moi's children 9th July 2020 The President's attempts to co-opt oppositionists has reunited young Turks promoted by the late President Moi Thirty years after the Saba Saba protests triggered the battle for the restoration of multiparty politics in Kenya, veterans of that struggle might be troubled to see that...
Vol 57 No 3 | KENYA Off with his ed 5th February 2016 The Daily Nation newspaper seems to have some doubts about why it sacked its Special Projects Editor, Denis Galava, in January, several weeks after suspending him over an...
Vol 64 No 16 | KENYAHAITI Kenyan cops vs Haitian gangs 3rd August 2023 Kenya's offer to send 1,000 police to help train and assist the Haitian National Police in the Caribbean state's battle against criminal gangs has been warmly welcomed by...