Vol 61 No 25 | CONGO-KINSHASA President nearer to power 17th December 2020 Parliamentary victory for Tshisekedi encourages him to press ahead in his bid to wrest the state from former president Kabila Former president Joseph Kabila's political coalition, the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC), which ordinarily has a comfortable majority in the National Assembly, scored a spectacular own goal...
Vol 62 No 2 | CONGO-KINSHASA No get out of jail card 21st January 2021 Former President Joseph Kabila is desperately seeking assurances from his successor President Félix Tshisekedi that he be guaranteed immunity from prosecution by the International Criminal Court.
Vol 51 No 6 | UGANDACONGO-KINSHASA The next oil scramble 19th March 2010 A new battle for oil blocks has started in the troubled north-east after France’s Total announced that it was seeking acreage in the Lake Albert basin, in alliance...
Vol 40 No 18 | CONGO-KINSHASA Complex war, ambitious peace 10th September 1999 The Lusaka accord is the best chance yet to tackle the roots of Central Africa's interlocking wars if it wins Western backing In Lusaka, African diplomats and army commanders have produced a fair and far-reaching plan to end the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (AC Vol 40 No...
Vol 39 No 17 | CONGO-KINSHASA Yesterday's rebels, today's rebels 28th August 1998 The soldiers and the politicians