Vol 61 No 25 | CONGO-KINSHASA President nearer to power 17th December 2020 Parliamentary victory for Tshisekedi encourages him to press ahead in his bid to wrest the state from former president Kabila Former president Joseph Kabila's political coalition, the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC), which ordinarily has a comfortable majority in the National Assembly, scored a spectacular own goal...
Vol 62 No 2 | CONGO-KINSHASA No get out of jail card 21st January 2021 Former President Joseph Kabila is desperately seeking assurances from his successor President Félix Tshisekedi that he be guaranteed immunity from prosecution by the International Criminal Court.
Vol 53 No 24 | CONGO-KINSHASA Kabila looks into the abyss 30th November 2012 After the eastern rebels trounce the national army and opposition movements step up the pressure, the President is fighting for his political life The seizure of Goma by the Mouvement du 23 mars rebels on 20 November has dangerously weakened the regime of President Joseph Kabila Kabange. Backed by Rwanda and...
Vol 53 No 5 | CONGO-KINSHASA Kabila targets the land 2nd March 2012 Agricultural investors will lose out due to new rules on land ownership while presidential associates stand to benefit The new law on ‘Fundamental Principles of Agriculture’ removes the right of foreigners to own farmland in Congo-Kinshasa and seems certain to discourage external investment in the already...
Vol 50 No 11 | CONGO-KINSHASA The China choice 29th May 2009 Congo-Kinshasa's dilemma over how to finalise a US$9 billion minerals barter deal with China without jeopardising a debt-reduction deal with the International Monetary Fund will not be resolved...