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Vol 38 No 3

Published 31st January 1997


The countdown begins

Northern and Southern oppositionists have seized territory from the government and look capable of staying on the offensive

The battle for Sudan has begun (AC Vol 37 No 8). The opposition strategy is to follow military successes with a civilian uprising; against this is the National Islamic Front government's formidable security apparatus and military hardware from Iran and China. On 12 January, National Democratic Alliance forces seized much of Blue Nile Province. Colonel John Garang de Mabior's Sudan People's Liberation Army-Mainstream took Kurmuk and Geissan and later Maban on the Ethiopian border, while Sudan Alliance Forces under Brigadier General Abdel Aziz Khalid Osman and SPLA fighters captured a triangle (Yagoro-Yabashir-Menza) some 80 kilometres south-east of Ed Damazine, and eight garrisons.

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