Political troubles mean the government has to do better with the economy
Suddenly Ghana is in political crisis. For the last decade, the country's development of a constitutional democracy and political stability amid the turbulence of West Africa was a source of national pride. Even if the economy was weak, government-dominated and aid-dependent, the political system was making headway. Now, a series of clashes in the north have changed the picture.Last week, a militant group murdered the King of the Dagombas, Ya-na Yakubu Andani, and 25 of his supporters in the town of Yendi. For several days, the Abudus and the Andanis both sub groups of the Dagomba clashed on the streets; the King's Andani supporters blamed the Abudu for his murder. Days later, the government announced a state of emergency in the north and Interior Minister Malik Yakubu and Northern Region Minister Imoro Andani resigned.
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