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Vol 48 No 22

Published 2nd November 2007

No borders against trouble

Unfinished business in three major hotspots endangers the whole region

The international community helps where it can and the governments concerned are trying, but the Great Lakes region is far from being settled. In Congo-Kinshasa’s North Kivu Province on 12 October, the dissident General Laurent Nkunda called for a ceasefire. Four days earlier, he had broken the previous one, agreed on 6 September under pressure from the United Nations Mission, the Mission des Nations Unies en République Démocratique du Congo (Monuc). Nkunda’s troops were fighting his former comrades in the national army, the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC). Aid workers now say there are some 800,000 people who are displaced in North Kivu, nearly half a million of whom have fled their homes since the elections last year.

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